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When I was growing up, I thought we were the only Nabring's on the face of this earth. Uncle Frank told me our relative's were gun smugglers and tailors. My Oma and Opa died before I was born so I did not hear there story. Rumors were numerous, our name had all sorts of spellings. When I was around 12 years old there was a knock on the front door, I went to the door and this man said he was Edwin Nabring. Well, who was this guy? There were no other Nabring's. Oh, yes there was, Edwin and his wife Glady's were from Cleveland, Ohio. Found out the family had split up. An argument between my gg grandfather(Johann Heinrich) and his brother Carl about religion. The split was between the Missouri and Ohio Lutheran Synod. Next thing I find out a few years later some cousin by the name of Norm Braun found family in Germany and had written them. Norm Braun had sent information to my parents and they sent information back and forth. I liked the information but really did nothing with it at that time. Years went by and in 1997 I found myself handicap with a lot of time to waste and a new Computer. Well my wife had a hobby "genealogy" and you know how things go, she got me hooked. I then dug out the information I had, called Norm Braun and told him I wanted everything he had. Norm was great, he became my "Great Mentor" not only did he send the information to me but he gave me a direction to work. Well, I have one fault, I can not do things "half ass" I dive in head first. I found out I lived only a few miles from the Mormon History Center that had microfilm of church records from around the world, I went and I found Nabering's. I began to copy every page that had a Nabering on it, copied it, mailed them to Norm and he deciphered and mailed it back. At the same time I went on the Internet and began searching for Nabering, Nabring, I found a lot of them. I can not tell you the joy, I drafted a letter and sent it to all of them in Germany. My First Contact; One evening I sat down at my computer and started to receive email and to my surprise here was an email from Jens Charles Nabring. This was fantastic, I wrote him back and we wrote back and forth for a long time. (if he is reading, I miss hearing from him) He eventually came to visit me in the US. I began to enter all the information I was obtaining into a computer program, I only had maybe a 100 names, but it started to grow. One of my first big revelations was the name that appeared in church records "Nabrink" I ran this through the internet search engine and found a Nabrink Book Store in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I went to www.infospace.com and searched the Dutch phone book for Nabrink and found somebody by the name of Frans Robert Nabrink. I immediately wrote him a letter telling him I think we are related, and at the same time I ran the name Nabring in the Dutch phone book and found a lot of Nabring's, so I wrote them all. Dutch Contact: The first thing I know somebody by the name of Klaas Kuizenga emails me and says his wife is a Nabring, followed by a few days later an email from Frans Robert Nabrink, telling me he has a paper(Porters Eed- immigration paper) that states his great great grandfather emigrated to the Netherlands in 1790, and his name was Jan Fredrik Nabering from Rödinghausen, Preußen. This was exciting, I got Klaas and Frans together and they started to work on getting information to me. The information was growing, some from my work, Klaas, Frans, Jens, Willi Nabering on the farm in Rödinghausen, it was none stop. Also in my research on the internet I found Nabrink's in Sweden, I have received word from them once but have not heard further from them on possible link. Dirk Nabering, this name was all over the Internet. So I finally faxed this person to were he worked in Berlin. Waited, and then faxed again. Then to my surprise a fax from Dirk, he went the next weekend to his mothers and got there family tree and faxed it to me. Reunited; I have no idea how Frans JG and Danny Nabrink from Brasil stumbled on my web page, but the next thing I know I receive email from Brasil and so did Frans Robert. Then we added more data to the tree. It was now over 600 names on the Family tree and the information kept coming. I was very puzzled by information from Alabama, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky about Nabring's. I just could not figure out who these people were. In searching the Internet I came across the Obituary for a person by the name of Alberta Nabring Botkin Pendley. I sent away to Indiana for the full obituary, and when it came, this women had a daughter by the name of Elizabeth Ardery. I picked up the phone and called her, yes her father was a Nabring, she thought she was the last Nabring on the earth. Boy, was she surprised. And of course a whole new wing of the family
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Last Updated: Thursday, January 10, 2002 |